Recipe for 6 people

A taste starter from traditional Tuscan cuisine


  • 300 gr. Chicken liver
  • 1 medium-sized red onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 50 gr. of capers
  • 50 gr. anchovy fillets
  • 10 tablespoons chicken stock
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 sage leaves
  • 1 tablespoon pomodorata (tomato sauce)
    1 glass of red wine
  • Salt and black pepper

(15 minutes for the preparation + 45 minutes cooking)

Wash the liver and cut into pieces. Cook in a saucepan with the olive oil, onion, carrot, sage, pepper and a little salt. Cook over high heat for 7-8 minutes, until it forms a light crust on the bottom, pour the wine and scrape the crust with a wooden spoon. After the wine has evaporated, add the chicken stock and cook another 7-8 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare a mixture with capers and anchovies and add it to the spleen. Everything should be whipped and put on the fire until a thick cream is ready, but without boiling. Allow to cool, stirring occasionally. Slice the bread in wheelchairs, roast it and spread the cream on it.